I, Aytasheva (Aitasheva), Zaure was born on October 24, 1956 in Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR, USSR in a family of employees. After graduating from the Republican Physics and Mathematics School (RFMS) in 1974, I got my training at the Kazakh State University then named after C.M. Kirov to acquire the qualification of a biologist, and teacher of biology and chemistry in 1979. In 1977-1979 I was awarded a Lenin Scholarship of KazSU, and in 1978-1980 was elected by the university as a deputy of the Alma-Ata City Council. In 1979-2003 I was affiliated with the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry named after M.A. Aitkhozhin, growing from a laboratory TA to a senior researcher. In 1987 I defended my Ph.D. thesis under the guidance of Academician M.A. Aitkhozhin on the topic: "Immunochemical separation of plant cytoplasmic RNP particles and identification of specific plant informosomes" by the specialty 03.00.04, "Biochemistry". In 2003, I was invited to a 0.25 rate of assistant professorship at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and since 2004 transferred to a full-time position. In 2004 I defended doctoral dissertation dedicated to the topic: “Microsporophyte proteins and their interaction during pollen germination” by the specialty 03.00.04, “Biochemistry”. In 2005-2019 I was running the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Over these 15 years, the department has begun mastering the specialties such as "Genetics" and "IT-genetics" in frames of the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies, and we opened an educational cytogenetic laboratory (room 333), two nominal lecture halls (named after academician G.Z. Biyashev, room 322 and named after Prof. N. L. Udolskaya, room 326), gave rise to the Corner and Library of the German Research Society (Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft, DFG) and received a gift from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, an expensive fluorescent microscope Axioscope FL-40. In 2006-2009 the department organized the gene pool of legumes and other vegetable crops. In 2010-2019 by my invitation, 4 Ph.Ds, 4 directors of research institutes, professors from Egypt, USA, Russia and France have been sharing their knowledge with the dept and faculty students. Currently I am working as a professor of the above department. I am Humboldt Foundation (1995-1997) and Fulbright International Program (2000-2001) fellow. Author of more than 300 publications.


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КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

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